PIBE (Personalizable Image Browsing Engine)



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PIBE is an adaptive image browsing system, which aims to provide users with an intuitive, easy-to-use, structured view of the images in a collection and complements it with ideas from the field of adaptable content-based similarity search.
In particular, PIBE provides users with a hierarchical view of images (the Browsing Tree) that can be customized according to user preferences. A key feature of PIBE is that it maintains local similarity criteria for each portion of the Browsing Tree. This makes it possible both to avoid costly global reorganization upon execution of user actions and, combined with a persistent storage of the Browsing Tree (BT), to efficiently support multiple browsing tasks.

More in details, PIBE user interface provides a set of graphical personalization actions that can be used to modify the BT. The effects of such actions are defined so as to guarantee that only a "local" reorganization of the image DB is required.

since January 2005 Send comments to i.bartolini@unibo.it
Last updated: 04/10/2014 10:51:47