Uses of Class

Packages that use ClusteringFeatures
Document.Windsurf Contains the definition of classes modelling images and regions for Windsurf. 
FeatureExtractor.Clustering Contains the abstract classes for the segmentation of images into regions. 
FeatureExtractor.Clustering.Windsurf Contains classes specific for the Windsurf clustering algorithm. 
FeatureExtractor.Filter Contains the abstract classes for the filtering of images, to be performed in order to prepare each image to segmentation. 

Uses of ClusteringFeatures in Document.Windsurf

Constructors in Document.Windsurf with parameters of type ClusteringFeatures
WindsurfBand(ClusteringFeatures c, double[][] m)
          Creates a new band given a centroid and a covariance matrix.

Uses of ClusteringFeatures in FeatureExtractor.Clustering

Methods in FeatureExtractor.Clustering that return ClusteringFeatures
abstract  ClusteringFeatures ClusteringFeatures.clone()
          Creates a new ClusteringFeatures object as a copy of this object.
static ClusteringFeatures ClusteringFeatures.computeCentroid(java.util.Vector<ClusteringFeatures> v)
          Computes the centroid of a vector of ClusteringFeatures.
abstract  ClusteringFeatures ClusteringFeatures.diff(ClusteringFeatures p)
          Subtracts the features of a given object to those of this object.
 ClusteringFeatures Pixel.getFeatures()
          Returns the features of this pixel.
 ClusteringFeatures Cluster.getRepresentativePoint()
          Returns the cluster representative point.
abstract  ClusteringFeatures ClusteringFeatures.normalize(double n)
          Normalizes the features of this object.
abstract  ClusteringFeatures ClusteringFeatures.sum(ClusteringFeatures p)
          Adds the features of this object to those of a given object.

Methods in FeatureExtractor.Clustering with parameters of type ClusteringFeatures
abstract  ClusteringFeatures ClusteringFeatures.diff(ClusteringFeatures p)
          Subtracts the features of a given object to those of this object.
abstract  double ClusteringDistance.distance(ClusteringFeatures p1, ClusteringFeatures p2)
          Computes the clustering distance between two points.
 void Cluster.setRepresentativePoint(ClusteringFeatures c)
          Modifies the cluster representative point.
abstract  ClusteringFeatures ClusteringFeatures.sum(ClusteringFeatures p)
          Adds the features of this object to those of a given object.

Method parameters in FeatureExtractor.Clustering with type arguments of type ClusteringFeatures
static ClusteringFeatures ClusteringFeatures.computeCentroid(java.util.Vector<ClusteringFeatures> v)
          Computes the centroid of a vector of ClusteringFeatures.

Constructors in FeatureExtractor.Clustering with parameters of type ClusteringFeatures
Pixel(int x, int y, ClusteringFeatures features)
          Basic constructor.

Uses of ClusteringFeatures in FeatureExtractor.Clustering.Windsurf

Subclasses of ClusteringFeatures in FeatureExtractor.Clustering.Windsurf
 class WindsurfClusteringFeatures
          Class representing the clustering features for Windsurf.

Methods in FeatureExtractor.Clustering.Windsurf that return ClusteringFeatures
 ClusteringFeatures WindsurfClusteringFeatures.clone()
          Creates a new WindsurfClusteringFeatures object as a copy of this object.
 ClusteringFeatures WindsurfClusteringFeatures.diff(ClusteringFeatures p)
          Subtracts the features of a given object to those of this object.
static ClusteringFeatures[][] WindsurfKMeansClustering.getSubMatrix(ClusteringFeatures[][] matrix, boolean width, boolean height)
          Extracts a submatrix from a bi-dimensional ClusteringFeatures array.
 ClusteringFeatures WindsurfClusteringFeatures.normalize(double n)
          Normalizes the features of this object.
 ClusteringFeatures WindsurfClusteringFeatures.sum(ClusteringFeatures p)
          Adds the features of this object to those of a given object.

Methods in FeatureExtractor.Clustering.Windsurf with parameters of type ClusteringFeatures
static HSVImage WindsurfClusteringFeatures.createHSV(ClusteringFeatures[][] data)
          Extracts the HSV features from a matrix of WindsurfClusteringFeatures.
 ClusteringFeatures WindsurfClusteringFeatures.diff(ClusteringFeatures p)
          Subtracts the features of a given object to those of this object.
 double Mahalanobis.distance(ClusteringFeatures p1, ClusteringFeatures p2)
          Computes the Mahalanobis distance between two points.
static ClusteringFeatures[][] WindsurfKMeansClustering.getSubMatrix(ClusteringFeatures[][] matrix, boolean width, boolean height)
          Extracts a submatrix from a bi-dimensional ClusteringFeatures array.
 ClusteringFeatures WindsurfClusteringFeatures.sum(ClusteringFeatures p)
          Adds the features of this object to those of a given object.

Constructors in FeatureExtractor.Clustering.Windsurf with parameters of type ClusteringFeatures
Mahalanobis(ClusteringFeatures[][] data)
          Basic constructor.

Uses of ClusteringFeatures in FeatureExtractor.Filter

Fields in FeatureExtractor.Filter declared as ClusteringFeatures
protected  ClusteringFeatures[][] GenericFilterOutput.datapoints
          Pixels of the image to be filtered

Methods in FeatureExtractor.Filter that return ClusteringFeatures
 ClusteringFeatures[][] GenericFilterOutput.getDataPoints()
          Returns the matrix of points obtained from the filter.