Uses of Class

Packages that use ClusteringOutput
Document.Windsurf Contains the definition of classes modelling images and regions for Windsurf. 
FeatureExtractor The Feature Extractor is the component in charge of extracting the features from a given image (URL/image file). 
FeatureExtractor.Clustering Contains the abstract classes for the segmentation of images into regions. 
FeatureExtractor.Clustering.KMeans Contains classes implementing the (generic) k-means algorithm. 

Uses of ClusteringOutput in Document.Windsurf

Constructors in Document.Windsurf with parameters of type ClusteringOutput
WindsurfImage(ImageID id, WaveletFilterOutput filOut, ClusteringOutput clustOut)
          Creates an image with a particular ID from the output of the Wavelet filter and the clustering algorithm.
WindsurfRegion(WaveletFilterOutput filOut, ClusteringOutput clustOut, int id)
          Creates a region with a particular ID from the output of the Wavelet filter and the clustering algorithm.

Uses of ClusteringOutput in FeatureExtractor

Methods in FeatureExtractor with parameters of type ClusteringOutput
protected abstract  Image FeatureExtractor.createImage(ImageID id, GenericFilterOutput filOut, ClusteringOutput clustOut)
          Creates an image with a particular ID from the output of the filter and the clustering algorithm.
protected  Image WindsurfFeatureExtractor.createImage(ImageID id, GenericFilterOutput filOut, ClusteringOutput clustOut)
          Creates a WindsurfImage with a particular ID from the output of the filter and the clustering algorithm.

Uses of ClusteringOutput in FeatureExtractor.Clustering

Methods in FeatureExtractor.Clustering that return ClusteringOutput
abstract  ClusteringOutput GenericClustering.cluster(GenericFilterOutput image)
          Applies the clustering algorithm to a given filtered image.

Uses of ClusteringOutput in FeatureExtractor.Clustering.KMeans

Methods in FeatureExtractor.Clustering.KMeans that return ClusteringOutput
 ClusteringOutput KMeansClustering.cluster(GenericFilterOutput image)
          Applies the k-means clustering algorithm to a given filtered image.