Uses of Class

Packages that use ScoredResultImage
QueryProcessor.SF Contains algorithms for solving k-NN queries with a scoring function. 
QueryProcessor.SF.ImgIdx Contains classes for connecting with the WINDSURF/M-tree DLL in order to solve SF-based queries on images. 
QueryProcessor.SF.kNNset Contains the index-based algorithm (k-NN-set) for a k-NN query. 
QueryProcessor.Utils Contains utility classes for query processing (e.g., sorted/random accesses to indices). 
QueryProcessor.Utils.RegIdx Contains classes for connecting with the WINDSURF/M-tree DLL in order to solve similarity queries on regions. 

Uses of ScoredResultImage in QueryProcessor.SF

Methods in QueryProcessor.SF that return types with arguments of type ScoredResultImage
abstract  java.util.Vector<ScoredResultImage> QuerySF.kNN(int k)
          Computes the result of a k-NN query
 java.util.Vector<ScoredResultImage> QuerySFSequential.kNN(int k)
          Computes the result of a k-NN query

Methods in QueryProcessor.SF with parameters of type ScoredResultImage
 int ScoredResultImage.compareTo(ScoredResultImage q)
          Compares this object with the specified object for order (increasing distance).

Uses of ScoredResultImage in QueryProcessor.SF.ImgIdx

Methods in QueryProcessor.SF.ImgIdx that return ScoredResultImage
abstract  ScoredResultImage QuerySFIndex.getNext()
          Performs a sorted access on the existing cursor.
 ScoredResultImage WindsurfQuerySFMtree.getNext()
          Performs a sorted access on the existing cursor.

Methods in QueryProcessor.SF.ImgIdx that return types with arguments of type ScoredResultImage
 java.util.Vector<ScoredResultImage> QuerySFIndex.kNN(int k)
          Performs a k-nn query.
 java.util.Vector<ScoredResultImage> WindsurfQuerySFMtree.kNN(int k)
          Performs a k-nn query.
 java.util.Vector<ScoredResultImage> QuerySFIndex.range(double r)
          Performs a range query.
 java.util.Vector<ScoredResultImage> WindsurfQuerySFMtree.range(double r)
          Performs a range query.

Uses of ScoredResultImage in QueryProcessor.SF.kNNset

Methods in QueryProcessor.SF.kNNset that return ScoredResultImage
 ScoredResultImage kNNset.getNext()
          Returns the next best image.

Uses of ScoredResultImage in QueryProcessor.Utils

Constructors in QueryProcessor.Utils with parameters of type ScoredResultImage
SortedAccessResult(ScoredResultImage image, int index)
          Basic constructor.
WindsurfSortedAccessResult(ScoredResultImage image, int index)
          Basic constructor.

Uses of ScoredResultImage in QueryProcessor.Utils.RegIdx

Methods in QueryProcessor.Utils.RegIdx that return ScoredResultImage
 ScoredResultImage WindsurfRegIndexMtreeCursors.getNextResult(int index)
          Performs a sorted access on one of the existing region cursors.

Methods in QueryProcessor.Utils.RegIdx that return types with arguments of type ScoredResultImage
abstract  java.util.Vector<ScoredResultImage> RegionQuery.kNN(int k)
          Performs a k-nn query.
 java.util.Vector<ScoredResultImage> WindsurfRegionQueryMtree.kNN(int k)
          Performs a k-nn query.
abstract  java.util.Vector<ScoredResultImage> RegionQuery.range(double r)
          Performs a range query.
 java.util.Vector<ScoredResultImage> WindsurfRegionQueryMtree.range(double r)
          Performs a range query.