Approximate Similarity Search
Similarity search is performed over complex databases, such as multimedia data collections, in which different objects are compared through a "similarity measure" and those which are most similar to the query are returned to the user. Performing an approximate search means that the algorithm can return an imprecise answer in a fraction of the original time; under certain conditions, this is a good compromise between efficiency and quality of result.
Query Answering in Peer-to-Peer Systems
A peer-to-peer (or P2P) system is a decentralized information system in which each peer has only a limited knowledge of the network. Query answering is a difficult task, but can be improved significantly providing the network with an infrastructure, which characterizes each peer with some kind of statistical and/or semantic knowledge about its own content and that of its neighbours.
- Fondamenti di Informatica L-B (L-Z), a.a. 2004/2005
- Fondamenti di Informatica L-B (L-Z), a.a. 2003/2004
Ricevimento Studenti: Il ricevimento studenti si svolge ogni Giovedì c/o Palazzina IEIIT/CNR (ex CSITE), saletta TLC, dalle 15 alle 17.