D.E.I.S.University of Bologna
Via Venezia, 52
47023 Cesena (FC)
About me
I was born in Cesena in 1978 and graduated in 2002 at University of Bologna, Faculty of Statistics Sciences, degree in Statistic and Computer Science for Business with full marks (110/110 e lode). In april 2008 I discussed my Ph.D. Thesis at DEIS (Dept. of Electronic, Computer Science and Systems), University of Bologna.
Research Activity
I work on Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks and P2P computing
Since 2004, I periodically covered tutor or assistant positions in Computer Science and Database Systems courses at University of Bologna
Contacts & other
Jabber ID:psicus78@jabber.linux.it
PGP keyID:238F7E1E (server: subkeys.pgp.net)