Uses of Class

Packages that use WindsurfBand
Document.Windsurf Contains the definition of classes modelling images and regions for Windsurf. 
Document.Windsurf.Distance Contains the definition of classes for computing the distance between region bands in Windsurf. 

Uses of WindsurfBand in Document.Windsurf

Methods in Document.Windsurf that return WindsurfBand
 WindsurfBand WindsurfRegion.getBandAt(int numBand)
          Returns a specific band of this region.
 WindsurfBand[] WindsurfRegion.getBands()
          Returns the array of bands in this region.

Methods in Document.Windsurf with parameters of type WindsurfBand
 double WindsurfBand.distance(WindsurfBand b)
          Method for computing the distance to another band.

Uses of WindsurfBand in Document.Windsurf.Distance

Methods in Document.Windsurf.Distance with parameters of type WindsurfBand
static double BandDistance.distance(WindsurfBand band1, WindsurfBand band2)
          Method for computing the distance between two bands.