Uses of Class

Packages that use FeatureManager
FeatureManager The Feature Manager (FM) is the component in charge of storing/retrieving the image features from the DB. 
QueryProcessor.SF Contains algorithms for solving k-NN queries with a scoring function. 
QueryProcessor.SF.kNNset Contains the index-based algorithm (k-NN-set) for a k-NN query. 
QueryProcessor.Skyline.Skyset Contains the index-based algorithm (Sky-set) for a Skyline query. 

Uses of FeatureManager in FeatureManager

Subclasses of FeatureManager in FeatureManager
 class FeatureManagerMySQL
          Implements the MySQL-based Feature Manager.
 class WindsurfFeatureManagerMySQL
          Implements the MySQL-based Feature Manager for Windsurf.
 class WindsurfFeatureManagerTxt
          Implements the text-based Feature Manager for Windsurf.

Uses of FeatureManager in QueryProcessor.SF

Fields in QueryProcessor.SF declared as FeatureManager
protected  FeatureManager
          The feature manager to be used

Constructors in QueryProcessor.SF with parameters of type FeatureManager
QuerySFSequential(Image q, ScoringFunction sf, FeatureManager fm)
          Basic constructor.

Uses of FeatureManager in QueryProcessor.SF.kNNset

Constructors in QueryProcessor.SF.kNNset with parameters of type FeatureManager
kNNset(Image q, ScoringFunction sf, FeatureManager fm, SortedAccess sam)
          Basic constructor.

Uses of FeatureManager in QueryProcessor.Skyline.Skyset

Constructors in QueryProcessor.Skyline.Skyset with parameters of type FeatureManager
Skyset(Image q, FeatureManager fm, SortedAccess sam)
          Basic constructor.