Uses of Class

Packages that use Matrix
QueryProcessor.SF.ScoringFunction Contains classes implementing different scoring functions. 
QueryProcessor.SF.ScoringFunction.EMD Contains classes implementing the EMD algorithm. 
QueryProcessor.SF.ScoringFunction.HillClimbing Contains classes implementing the Hill Climbing (greedy) algorithm for AVG and IRM scoring functions. 
QueryProcessor.SF.ScoringFunction.Hungarian Contains classes implementing the Hungarian algorithm. 
QueryProcessor.Utils Contains utility classes for query processing (e.g., sorted/random accesses to indices). 
Utils Contains utility classes for performing several tasks, like connecting with DBMS, matrix computation, or working with JAI. 

Uses of Matrix in QueryProcessor.SF.ScoringFunction

Methods in QueryProcessor.SF.ScoringFunction with parameters of type Matrix
abstract  double ScoringFunction.distance(Image i1, Image i2, Matrix distances)
          Computes the distance between two images given the matrix of distances between images' regions.
 double ScoringFunctionAVG.distance(Image i1, Image i2, Matrix distances)
          Computes the distance between two images given the matrix of distances between images' regions.
 double ScoringFunctionAVGGreedy.distance(Image i1, Image i2, Matrix distances)
          Computes the distance between two images given the matrix of distances between images' regions.
 double ScoringFunctionEMD.distance(Image i1, Image i2, Matrix distances)
          Computes the distance between two images given the matrix of distances between images' regions.
 double ScoringFunctionIRM.distance(Image i1, Image i2, Matrix distances)
          Computes the distance between two images given the matrix of distances between images' regions.
 double ScoringFunctionMIN.distance(Image i1, Image i2, Matrix distances)
          Computes the distance between two images given the matrix of distances between images' regions.

Uses of Matrix in QueryProcessor.SF.ScoringFunction.EMD

Methods in QueryProcessor.SF.ScoringFunction.EMD with parameters of type Matrix
static double WrapperEMD.distance(Image i1, Image i2, Matrix distances)
          Computes the regular EMD distance between two images given the matrix of distances between images' regions.
static double WrapperEMD.getMetricDistance(Image i1, Image i2, Matrix distances)
          Computes the metric EMD distance between two images given the matrix of distances between images' regions.

Uses of Matrix in QueryProcessor.SF.ScoringFunction.HillClimbing

Methods in QueryProcessor.SF.ScoringFunction.HillClimbing with parameters of type Matrix
static double WrapperAVGGreedy.distance(Image i1, Image i2, Matrix distances)
          Computes the greedy average distance between two images given the matrix of distances between images' regions.
static double WrapperIRM.distance(Image i1, Image i2, Matrix distances)
          Computes the IRM distance between two images given the matrix of distances between images' regions.

Uses of Matrix in QueryProcessor.SF.ScoringFunction.Hungarian

Methods in QueryProcessor.SF.ScoringFunction.Hungarian that return Matrix
static Matrix WrapperAVG.matrixComplete(Matrix costs)
          Completes the costs matrix to obtain a square one.

Methods in QueryProcessor.SF.ScoringFunction.Hungarian with parameters of type Matrix
static double WrapperAVG.distance(Matrix costs)
          Computes the average distance given the matrix of distances between images' regions.
static Matrix WrapperAVG.matrixComplete(Matrix costs)
          Completes the costs matrix to obtain a square one.

Uses of Matrix in QueryProcessor.Utils

Methods in QueryProcessor.Utils that return Matrix
static Matrix RandomAccess.execute(Image query, Image image)
          Computes all the region distances between a DB image and the query image.

Uses of Matrix in Utils

Methods in Utils that return Matrix
 Matrix Matrix.clone()
          Returns a copy of this matrix.
 Matrix Matrix.gauss()
          Performs the Gauss algorithm (without switching rows)
 Matrix Matrix.gaussPivot()
          Performs the Gauss algorithm (using the maximum pivot technique)
 Matrix Matrix.gaussSeidel()
          Returns the Gauss-Seidel iteration matrix.
static Matrix Matrix.identity(int n)
          Creates an identity matrix.
 Matrix Matrix.invert()
          Computes the inverse matrix.
 Matrix Matrix.jacobi()
          Returns the Jacobi iteration matrix.
 Matrix Matrix.multiply(double value)
          Multiplies all elements of this matrix to a given real value.
 Matrix Matrix.multiply(Matrix matrix)
          Multiplies the matrix to a given matrix.
 Matrix Matrix.sum(Matrix matrix)
          Sums this matrix to a given one.

Methods in Utils with parameters of type Matrix
 Matrix Matrix.multiply(Matrix matrix)
          Multiplies the matrix to a given matrix.
 Matrix Matrix.sum(Matrix matrix)
          Sums this matrix to a given one.

Constructors in Utils with parameters of type Matrix
Matrix(Matrix matrix)
          Copy constructor