Uses of Class

Packages that use ImageID
Document Contains the definition of classes modelling documents: in our case, these correspond to images and regions. 
Document.Windsurf Contains the definition of classes modelling images and regions for Windsurf. 
FeatureExtractor The Feature Extractor is the component in charge of extracting the features from a given image (URL/image file). 
FeatureManager The Feature Manager (FM) is the component in charge of storing/retrieving the image features from the DB. 
IndexManager The Index Manager (IM) contains the classes managing the feature indices for performing similarity searches over the image/region features. 
QueryProcessor The Query Processor (QP) is the component that solves similarity queries over image features. 
QueryProcessor.SF Contains algorithms for solving k-NN queries with a scoring function. 
QueryProcessor.Skyline Contains algorithms for solving Skyline queries. 
QueryProcessor.Utils Contains utility classes for query processing (e.g., sorted/random accesses to indices). 

Uses of ImageID in Document

Subclasses of ImageID in Document
 class ImageIDnumerical
          Class representing a numerical ID.

Fields in Document declared as ImageID
protected  ImageID
          The ID of this region
protected  ImageID Image.ID
          The ID of this image

Methods in Document that return ImageID
static ImageID ImageIDnumerical.getGlobalIdReg(ImageID idI, ImageID idR)
          Computes the global ID of a region (including the image ID).
 ImageID Image.getID()
          Returns the image ID.
 ImageID Region.getID()
          Returns the region ID.
static ImageID ImageIDnumerical.getIdImg(ImageID id)
          Computes the image ID from the region global ID.
static ImageID ImageIDnumerical.getIdReg(ImageID id)
          Computes the region (local) ID from the region global ID.

Methods in Document with parameters of type ImageID
abstract  int ImageID.compareTo(ImageID id)
          Compares this object with the specified object for order.
 int ImageIDnumerical.compareTo(ImageID id)
          Compares this object with the specified object for order.
 void Image.deleteRegionID(ImageID num)
          Removes an image region having a particular ID.
 boolean ImageID.equals(ImageID id)
          Compares this ID with the specified ID for equivalence.
static ImageID ImageIDnumerical.getGlobalIdReg(ImageID idI, ImageID idR)
          Computes the global ID of a region (including the image ID).
static ImageID ImageIDnumerical.getIdImg(ImageID id)
          Computes the image ID from the region global ID.
static ImageID ImageIDnumerical.getIdReg(ImageID id)
          Computes the region (local) ID from the region global ID.
 Region Image.getRegionID(ImageID id)
          Retrieves the image region with a particular ID.
 void Region.setID(ImageID id)
          Modifies the region ID.

Constructors in Document with parameters of type ImageID
Image(ImageID id)
          Creates an image with a particular ID.
Region(ImageID id)
          Creates a region with a particular ID.

Uses of ImageID in Document.Windsurf

Constructors in Document.Windsurf with parameters of type ImageID
WindsurfImage(ImageID id, java.sql.ResultSet rset)
          Creates an image with a particular ID from the result of a DB query.
WindsurfImage(ImageID id, WaveletFilterOutput filOut, ClusteringOutput clustOut)
          Creates an image with a particular ID from the output of the Wavelet filter and the clustering algorithm.

Uses of ImageID in FeatureExtractor

Methods in FeatureExtractor with parameters of type ImageID
protected abstract  Image FeatureExtractor.createImage(ImageID id, GenericFilterOutput filOut, ClusteringOutput clustOut)
          Creates an image with a particular ID from the output of the filter and the clustering algorithm.
protected  Image WindsurfFeatureExtractor.createImage(ImageID id, GenericFilterOutput filOut, ClusteringOutput clustOut)
          Creates a WindsurfImage with a particular ID from the output of the filter and the clustering algorithm.
 Image FeatureExtractor.extract( image, ImageID id)
          Creates an image with a particular ID extracting features from a given image.
 Image WindsurfFeatureExtractor.extract( image, ImageID id)
          Creates a WindsurfImage with a particular ID extracting features from a given image.
 Image FeatureExtractor.extract(java.lang.String imgURL, ImageID id)
          Creates an image with a particular ID extracting features from a given image.

Uses of ImageID in FeatureManager

Methods in FeatureManager that return ImageID
abstract  ImageID FeatureManager.nextID()
          Returns an image ID for a new image.
 ImageID FeatureManagerMySQL.nextID()
          Returns an image ID for a new image.
 ImageID WindsurfFeatureManagerTxt.nextID()
          Returns an image ID for a new image.

Methods in FeatureManager with parameters of type ImageID
 boolean FeatureManager.contains(ImageID id)
          Checks whether an image ID is contained in the database.
 boolean FeatureManagerMySQL.contains(ImageID id)
          Checks whether an image ID is contained in the database.
 int FeatureManagerMySQL.countRegions(ImageID id)
          Returns the number of regions of the image with a given ID.
protected abstract  Image FeatureManagerMySQL.createImage(ImageID id, java.sql.ResultSet rs)
          Creates a new Image given the image ID from the result of a query.
protected  Image WindsurfFeatureManagerMySQL.createImage(ImageID id, java.sql.ResultSet rs)
          Creates a new Image given the image ID.
 Image FeatureManager.load(ImageID id)
          Loads the features of an image from the features DB given the image ID.
protected abstract  Image FeatureManager.loadFeatures(ImageID id)
          Loads the features of an image from the features DB given the image ID.
protected  Image FeatureManagerMySQL.loadFeatures(ImageID id)
          Loads the features of an image from the features DB given the image ID.
protected  Image WindsurfFeatureManagerTxt.loadFeatures(ImageID id)
          Loads the features of an image from the features file given the image ID.
 Region FeatureManagerMySQL.loadRegion(ImageID id)
          Loads the features of a region from the features DB given the (global) region ID.

Uses of ImageID in IndexManager

Methods in IndexManager with parameters of type ImageID
abstract  boolean RegIndexManager.delete(ImageID id, Region region)
          Deletes a region from the index.
 boolean RegIndexManagerMtree.delete(ImageID id, Region region)
          Deletes a region from the index.
abstract  boolean RegIndexManager.insert(ImageID id, Region region)
          Inserts a new region in the index.
 boolean RegIndexManagerMtree.insert(ImageID id, Region region)
          Inserts a new region in the index.

Uses of ImageID in QueryProcessor

Fields in QueryProcessor declared as ImageID
protected  ImageID
          The ID of this result image/region

Methods in QueryProcessor that return ImageID
 ImageID ResultImage.getID()
          Returns the ID of this result image/region.

Constructors in QueryProcessor with parameters of type ImageID
ResultImage(ImageID id)
          Basic constructor.

Uses of ImageID in QueryProcessor.SF

Constructors in QueryProcessor.SF with parameters of type ImageID
ScoredResultImage(ImageID id, double d)
          Basic constructor.

Uses of ImageID in QueryProcessor.Skyline

Methods in QueryProcessor.Skyline that return ImageID
 ImageID[] SkylineResultLayer.toArray()
          Returns an array containing the IDs of images in this layer.

Constructors in QueryProcessor.Skyline with parameters of type ImageID
SkylineResultImage(ImageID id, int level)
          Basic constructor.

Uses of ImageID in QueryProcessor.Utils

Fields in QueryProcessor.Utils declared as ImageID
protected  ImageID
          ID of the result region

Methods in QueryProcessor.Utils that return ImageID
abstract  ImageID SortedAccessResult.getImageID()
          Returns the ID of the image containing the result region.
 ImageID WindsurfSortedAccessResult.getImageID()
          Returns the ID of the image containing the result region.
 ImageID SortedAccessResult.getRegionID()
          Returns the ID of result region.