Uses of Package

Packages that use QueryProcessor.SF
IndexManager The Index Manager (IM) contains the classes managing the feature indices for performing similarity searches over the image/region features. 
QueryProcessor.SF Contains algorithms for solving k-NN queries with a scoring function. 
QueryProcessor.SF.ImgIdx Contains classes for connecting with the WINDSURF/M-tree DLL in order to solve SF-based queries on images. 
QueryProcessor.SF.kNNset Contains the index-based algorithm (k-NN-set) for a k-NN query. 
QueryProcessor.Utils Contains utility classes for query processing (e.g., sorted/random accesses to indices). 
QueryProcessor.Utils.RegIdx Contains classes for connecting with the WINDSURF/M-tree DLL in order to solve similarity queries on regions. 

Classes in QueryProcessor.SF used by IndexManager
          Abstract class representing a query with a scoring function.

Classes in QueryProcessor.SF used by QueryProcessor.SF
          Abstract class representing a query with a scoring function.
          Class representing the result image of a query with a scoring function (includes a score).

Classes in QueryProcessor.SF used by QueryProcessor.SF.ImgIdx
          Abstract class representing a query with a scoring function.
          Class representing the result image of a query with a scoring function (includes a score).

Classes in QueryProcessor.SF used by QueryProcessor.SF.kNNset
          Abstract class representing a query with a scoring function.
          Class representing the result image of a query with a scoring function (includes a score).

Classes in QueryProcessor.SF used by QueryProcessor.Utils
          Class representing the result image of a query with a scoring function (includes a score).

Classes in QueryProcessor.SF used by QueryProcessor.Utils.RegIdx
          Class representing the result image of a query with a scoring function (includes a score).