XSLT Examples

The <xsl:template> Element

A template contains rules to apply when a specified node is matched

Example explained

The <xsl:value-of> Element

Extract the value of a selected node

Example explained

The <xsl:for-each> Element

Select every XML element of a specified node-set with the <xsl:for-each> element

Filter the output in a node-set

Examples explained

The <xsl:sort> Element

Sort the output in a node-set

Example explained

The <xsl:if> Element

Put a conditional test against the content of an XML file

Example explained

The <xsl:choose> Element

Example 1
This example will add a pink background-color to the "Artist" column WHEN the price of the CD is higher than 10:

Example 2
This example will add a pink background color to the "Artist" column WHEN the price of the CD is higher than 10, and a grey background-color WHEN the price of the CD is higher than 9 and lower or equal to 10.

Examples explained

The <xsl:apply-templates> Element

Apply templates to elements

Examples explained

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